Sarah Silverman calls for military to overthrow Donald Trump

On Wednesday night in the midst of violent riots in Berkeley, California, Sarah Silverman called for a military coup against Donald Trump.

The violent riot broke after Milo Yiannopoulos was said to speak at Berkeley. His visit was said to be sponsored by the campus Republican club. The university has emphasized that they did not invite him and does not endorse his ideas but is committed to free speech.

Sarah Silverman has been very outspoken about her dislike for Trump and his policies.

In a screaming all-caps tweet, she tweeted to “wake up & join the resistance.” She went on to call for the violent overthrow the “fascists.”

“Once the military is w us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye,” she continued.

She ended her post with four heart emojis.

A few hours later she added:


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